March, 2018
Launching the 2018 U.S. Soccer Light and Dark Nike Kits
Objective: Launch the new 2018 U.S. Soccer Nike kits and use the launch to create and implement bold, modern, aggressive, and timeless visual branding that will elevate U.S. Soccer's presence in the sports industry
Provided: The physical kits from Nike
Outcome: Borrowing signature patriotic elements from both the Light kit and the Dark kit, I created and implemented a new branding for U.S. Soccer which was used initially to launch the new kits, but is now in current use for all digital graphics, social media, in-stadium graphics, and merchandise as well
Specifically for the launch, I was the creative lead for multiple photoshoots of our Men's and Women's players in the new kits. From these photoshoots, I created multiple kit promotions showcasing both our Light and Dark kits presented on all of our social media platforms, personal graphics for each of our players to post on their own social media to promote, rebranding of our social media pages' avatars, headers, etc., commercial-use hollow-bodies for our U.S. Soccer Store, and a wallpaper-style graphic that expands on the kits' technological advances
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop
Generic kit promotions advertised on social media, U.S. Soccer's website
Player-specific graphics wearing the new kit, sent to over 150 players to post and promote on their personal social media pages
Bringing the design elements from the kit into the graphics: implementing a new branding for U.S. Soccer, seen below for live in-game graphics for U.S. Soccer's social media. These two games (MNTvPAR and WNTvMEX) were the first games that the new U.S. Soccer kits were debuted for the Men's and Women's teams. 
July, 2017
Social Media Graphics Revamp
Objective: To review U.S. Soccer's current social media graphics and templates used for Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook and create more modern, bold, impacting graphics that would elevate the U.S. Soccer's presence and brand on digital platforms.
Provided: Photos
Outcome: While staying on brand and not making too large of a jump, created new social media templates that were more modern and appealing to today's audiences by using on-trend photo filters along with simplified compositions - graphics that compete with other top sports brands on the digital platform on social media. 
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop
For all social media graphics, please refer to my profile on Gondola
December, 2017
Objective: Announce the upcoming game against Denmark to the Public.
Provided: Photos from games/ photoshoot.
Outcome: Created short campaign of consistent graphics featuring two players advertised on multiple platforms for web advertisements, social media advertisements, as well as various other promos.
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop
October, 2017
Objective: Develop a Veteran's Day T-Shirt.
Outcome: Conceptualized a T-Shirt that didn't follow the typical Army camo pattern that majority of other sports teams so often do. My team and I saw the opportunity to do something different that is inclusive to all five U.S. Military branches, as well as standing out from other sports teams. So often other sports teams use the Army camo pattern and the design gets too busy. We wanted something simple, bold, and impactful. Which is why we came up with two different versions - one with simple Military green, and the other using our American flag.
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
July, 2017
Objective: Develop a creative, engaging, and under-budget way to respond to fan mail sent to our HQ.
Provided: Images of players
Outcome: Created a large poster featuring U.S. Soccer's most recognizable, current players to send back to all the fan mail we receive. We receive fan mail to both the Men's and Women's teams and it made the most sense to create a poster featuring the Men's players on one side, and the Women's players on the reverse side.
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop
Corporate Sponsorship Graphics
Objective: Re-create social media graphics promoting the upcoming U.S. Soccer game to give to our corporate sponsors to repost. Previously what was given to all of our corporate sponsors was simply a short image of supporting text followed by our crest and their logo (example below).
Provided: Photos of players
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop
Outcome: In an effort to lift U.S. Soccer's branding to the next level, while staying within graphics standards and quality graphics, we created templates to send to corporate sponsors for them to drop their logos into the specified area on each graphic. Sponsors will use the templates to post on their social media platforms, ensuring consistent visual quality messaging.
The examples below are templates of what we send to our corporate sponsors for them to drop their logos into the specified area on each graphic.
Corporate Sponsor Graphics Previously
Corporate Sponsor Graphics Revamped
August, 2017
Objective: Create awareness and buzz around the final 16 teams in the U.S. Lamar Hunt Open Cup tournament - the largest tournament in the U.S. that any team can enter (professional, semi-pro, recreational)
Provided: Background image
Outcome: Created graphically appealing match up templates and a bracket for the remaining 16 teams to compete for the Lamar Hunt trophy to be published on Social Media, and later posterized for clubs who wanted to display it in their stadiums
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Below is other miscellaneous projects/ content
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