August, 2016
Objective: Create promotional graphics marketed across social media platforms, email blasts, and Century Link Field advertising for the biggest game of the summer: Sounders FC vs PNW rivals, Portland Timbers
Provided: Images of players, logos, background image
Outcome: In collaboration with Creative Director Alex Preston, I contributed to the composition of each image to fit the technical pixel-required measurements of the desired marketing platform each image would be advertised on. Additionally, contributed to the overall layout of each image in making sure everything was perfectly align.
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop
November, 2016
Objective: Update the MLS Playoff Bracket schedule from previous year's design (unavailable to show). 
Provided: MLS & Audi logos, "this moment" Jordan Morris Graphic, previous year's version
Outcome: Playoff bracket with a very simple background (left), yet still incorporating the playoff "this moment" theme at the bottom. Additionally, the "this moment playoff theme as the main background featuring the playoff bracket (right).
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
September, 2016
Objective: To create online advertisements as well as social media posts and email blasts to promote the "Fred Meyer Bag Off" event where fans could meet Sounders' Herculez Gomez and Aaron Kovar
Provided: Images of players, background image
Outcome: Consistent look and feel of Sounders FC branded advertisement that communicates all of the necessary info – who, what, where, and when – across various sizes of advertisements which required adjusting the composition of each graphic (not all shown).
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop
September, 2016
Objective: Create a few options for email and social media advertisements that required: Look & Feel: Matchday experience-related(Large groups of people cheering the club), "Sounders FC presents College Night," Sounders vs. Houston Dynamo (Logos, date/time), “Group pricing available for groups 20+”, "Ticket includes $10 Concessions Voucher," "Pre-match activities: Live DJ, Cornhole, and more!", "Smaller print at bottom: Visit and enter promo code COLLEGE16 or call 1-877-657-4625 today!"
Provided: Photos
Outcome: Multiple options that fulfill the project brief described above.
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop
September, 2016
Objective: To create advertisements for sponsor's exclusive training experience.
Provided: Photos
Outcome: Multiple options (not all shown) of advertisements to publish and promote the exclusive training experience put on by Subway. Edited the photos to make the text standout, created a textual hierarchy to provide a balanced graphic/text relative to space. 
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop
September, 2016
Objective: Create campaign graphics for the upcoming year for special game experience and seating
Provided: Photos
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop
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